Though we are not 'officially' engaged, Rob & I went to Robbins Bros. during our anniversary to look at engagement rings. We wanted to get an idea of how much it would cost to get one to his likings. We narrowed it down to three (as you can see by the pictures). Rob and I really loved this ring overall together (I had one I liked and he had one that he liked), except this had a princess cut diamond in the center. Somehow it just seemed to 'fit' with the promise ring that Rob gave me back in November. Even with a round cut diamond, it looked right.
Anyway, the process of looking through the rings and picking it out was perfect. I can see why Robbins Bros. really is the "World's Biggest Engagement Ring Store." Their prices are reasonable, the staff was perfect, and we didn't have the pressure of getting the ring NOW. Our salesperson, Rose, was excellent and helpful. We went through every single display case, and looked at every single ring one-by-one. There were so many rings that just took my breath away!
Going to Robbins Bros. definitely gave us an idea of where to go to get the right ring. I know that when the time is right Rob will pick out the ring that he loves for me (with the help of the BFF, Jamie). I look forward to the day when Rob will ask me to become his wife.