As you may know, I returned to school in a more serious basis in October 2010. My focus was to finish school for career advancement. For twelve years, my previous job positions were good as a "job," but not challenging enough for me to develop a career. My last job as a Contract Assistant, though it was different than my previous job history, was intriguing since I dealt with contract reviews and project closeouts. However, I did not enjoy the environment with a couple of people in my department -- my boss and a co-worker. To this extent, I needed to search of a way to go beyond being stuck at any kind of job out there... thus, the return to school.
So, where am I going with this? Well, this quarter, even though I am only part-time, is really kicking my butt. For those that know me, I don't really mind the learning part. It is the writing part that I really don't enjoy. I believe that when I was taking the classes at the community college that the writing assignments is what hampered my learning. I really struggle on a weekly basis to try and put together a five-paragraph essay, let alone, just a paragraph. I hate planning the structure of a paper. I don't mind the outlines and the freewriting aspect of it. It is the ACTUAL paper that I can't stand... have I mentioned that I don't like writing papers? My point is that I struggle every week completing my papers, and I struggle to find the motivation to do it. It is to the point where it is ultimately the last ditch effort to have something completed by the due date. I have a paper due on Wednesday for my Critical Thinking class (another subject that I do not enjoy) on the five aspects of problem solving -- topic: Facebook privacy. I do not even know where to begin!!! *sigh*
OK, thanks for listening to me vent... continue onward to watching the Olympics (I'm watching the women's gymnastics)... GO USA!!!