Pam as a "Baby Girl"... Think she's got the drink confused here! ;)

Pam as a "Baby Girl"... Think she's got the drink confused here! ;)
My cousin's 3-year-old, Logan, wanted to try out DDR -- just like everyone else... Here's a video clip of him trying it out! |
My bird, Bella, seems to be a big country fan -- in particular, Faith Hill. She seems to enjoy singing to Faith Hill's "Fireflies" whenever she hears it. Here's an example... |
Megan has this sudden fascination with feet and/or shoes... Take a look and see what she does with my feet. |
Here's Megan getting her afternoon workout by playing "I'm gonna get Marissa" by running around the coffee table! |
Yahoo! has started a time capsule to show future generations what our world and lives were like up until 2006. So, between now and November 8, Yahoo! would like everyone to contribute their pictures, sounds, videos, writings, and drawings to the time capsule. Anything contributed will be used as historical data, and will be placed in the Smithsonian Folkways Recordings in Washington, D.C. In addition, Yahoo! will ask you to choose from seven organizations so that they can donate $100,000. The following organizations are:
So, please visit the website below and contribute to this time capsule!